7.1 Query Table
A query-table consists of a list of 2 elements: 1. list of column headers and 2. list of rows of strings for each columns
(define my-table (list (list "Name" "Group" "Weight" "Intake") (list '("Rat01" "Control" "320" "42") '("Rat02" "Control" "300" "41") '("Rat03" "Control" "310" "40") '("Rat04" "Drug" "250" "36") '("Rat05" "Drug" "255" "37") '("Rat06" "Drug" "253" "38"))))
the clever part is being able to filter the tabel returning only those rows which match a list of predicates
or rows which contain a search string.
table can also be sorted (ascending or descending) based on values in a specificed column (specified by column-heading).